Conceptualize an app that encourages people to cycle to work for better health and environment in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
UX/UI Design
Feb - March 2023
It just happened for me to read that transportation research and immediately raised many questions in my head, which are how much time it would take to travel through them during rush hour? How much carbon dioxide is emitted? Also how much money that people have to spent on fuel?
While doing research to find the answer for the above question, I stumbled upon with the statement of Verplankenet al. (2008):
With Hi!Bike app, I would like to offer integrated cycling solution with more "extrinsic motivation" that encourage people to cycle more to reduce their commute times, protect the environment, and save money.
During my stay in Vancouver city, I foundthat there are only few apps (two as I know so far as pictures below) on the market that provide sharedbikes services. Moreover, those apps only offer bike rental service and havebeen received low rating on the app stores due to bad experience (poor features, lack of support, etc.).
I’ve conducted an online survey with about 10 users who fall in our target demographic, so I can have clearer vision about an app that I can design for them in the future.
Based on the survey results, I've noticed most people find themselves in a "comfort zone" even though it might not be the best option for their life. Moreover, the decision to switch their choice to a new method is not based on single discrete event, but on various circumstances (such as obligatory motivation, big event in personal life).
After considering the features that theusers expect during interview, I worked on my low-fidelity wireframe usingFigma as of my design process. I presented the idea again with the intervieweesto receive the feedback from them. I kept refining my designs and tried to packthe app with full features, but still looks clean.
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Hi!Bike was the first project that I worked on that involved conceptualizing from scratch. It was a very interesting project to work with and it has also been so rewarding seeing all the connecting parts come together for the final prototype. Doing the project helped me understand how important to implement a good design that brings values for both business and users. I ended up having a lot of fun and had clearer vision for the next project!